
A review of microscopic slides for Microbiology lab.

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Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States

You see, my friend, it is not about me. My story is just one of the countless stories that tell of God's redemptive grace. Let's set our eyes on our Lord Jesus Christ, Who WAS, IS, and IS TO COME!

Friday, September 29, 2006

the kid from GRA molecular biology lab  Posted by Picasa

green basidia and red basidiospores of Coprinus Posted by Picasa

Coprinus mushroom Posted by Picasa

scolex of Taenia (tapeworm) Posted by Picasa

T. spirilis (40X) Posted by Picasa

T. spirilis (10X) Posted by Picasa

C. diptheriae Posted by Picasa

S. octosporus (8 ascospores) Posted by Picasa

Penicillium (purple stain, 40X) Posted by Picasa

Penicillium (purple stain, 10X) Posted by Picasa

Rhizopus (pink stain) Posted by Picasa

Aspergillus (green stain) Posted by Picasa

Clostridium tetani Posted by Picasa

bacterial capsules Posted by Picasa

bacterial flagella Posted by Picasa

Treponema pallidum Posted by Picasa

Bacillus anthracis (blue stain) Posted by Picasa

Bacillus anthracis in spleen (purple stain) Posted by Picasa

rod bacteria Posted by Picasa

spiral bacteria Posted by Picasa

Gram + bacillus Posted by Picasa